by Mice Mob Exterminators | Aug 22, 2019 | Mice Infestation
As the summer season draws to a close, you may want to start thinking about scheduling a mouse proofing procedure for your house. When summer transitions into fall, mice will naturally start to seek shelter in warm, protected spaces. Unfortunately, your home offers...
by Mice Mob Exterminators | Aug 16, 2019 | Disinfection
A house mice infestation can leave your indoor spaces contaminated with bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens. At Mice Mob Exterminators, our mice extermination procedure is finished with a total disinfection procedure. In order to disinfect your home, a mice...
by Mice Mob Exterminators | Aug 9, 2019 | Mice Exterminator, Mice Removal
Like other mammals, mice require shelter for their survival. When a female mouse is preparing to raise a litter, she will create a nest for her young. Nests are among the top signs of a mice infestation in a house. If you have started to notice the signs and symptoms...
by Mice Mob Exterminators | Aug 1, 2019 | Health Risks
Finding signs of rodents in your home is unnerving. No one wants to share their house with mice or other types of rodents – it is messy, unclean, and frustrating. However, did you know it can also be dangerous to have rodents running amuck in your home? Here are...