How much do you know about mice? You might just now be learning about mice because you saw one or more in your home or at least signs of them. Below are some FAQs about mice you will want to know…or maybe you don’t want to know some of them.

Mice Are Like Little Supervillains

Mice might be small, but they are mighty. Mice can jump up to a foot in the air. They also swim and climb well. This means that they can get to places that you might not expect. Just because you put your food on a high counter doesn’t mean that an enterprising mouse that can climb won’t reach it.

Mice also have the capability to get into tiny spaces. They can squeeze through openings that are only about the size of a dime. This means that they can vanish from a room that you may not think has an exit. It also means that they can get in through even tiny crevices.

Mice Eat a Lot

A mouse has a small body and a small stomach. However, they have massive appetites. They are capable of eating between 15 and 20 times their weight in a day. That’s quite a lot. Now imagine just how much food is being eaten when you have an infestation in your home.

Mice Carry Disease

Some people find mice cute, but what’s not cute is their ability to carry and spread disease. They can spread a range of illnesses including salmonella and the hantavirus. Mice also produce up to 100 droppings per day, which makes sense considering how much they eat. They also produce a lot of urine, which is dropped all around their territory as they crawl around your home, on your counters, and your furniture.

Mice Breed Fast

Mice can give birth when they are just two months old. They can have a litter of up to a dozen babies every three weeks. This means that if you spot just one or two mice in your home, you are on your way to an infestation if you don’t have one already. After all, there are always plenty that you aren’t seeing.

What If You Have Mice?

If you have a mouse infestation, it’s time to take care of it. Get in touch with the professionals at Mice Mob Exterminators to come and remove the mice from your property. The sooner you get help with your pest issue, the better.

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Mice Mob Exterminators

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