Mice Infestation

Tips for Keeping Mice Out of Your Office

Mice are excellent at finding their way into homes and garages. These places give mice protection, food, and warmth. However, mice are not just looking for homes to call their own. In fact, without the proper protections, mice could easily infest your business. Office buildings, factories, and warehouses are ideal places for mice. Here are a few ways you can assure you are keeping mice out of your business.

Don’t delay structural repairs
If you, or your maintenance staff, notice structural damage in your building, resist the temptation to delay fixing it. Mice can squeeze into small spaces, so one missing exterior brick or a gap in the drywall can be the entrance point a mouse needs to gain entry to your building.

Keep the break room clean
Mice are attracted to food sources, and an untidy breakroom can be a buffet of treats for a family of mice. Assure your cleaning service is keeping your breakroom clean and that your employees are not leaving food open on counters or in cabinets.

Educate your employees
Be sure that your employees are informed about good food safety practices in the workplace. Besides the breakroom, your staff may be eating or keeping food in other areas of the building. Remind staff members to keep any work surface, cabinet, or drawer free from opened food.

Look for signs and address it immediately
Finally, assure your staff members are informed about warning signs of a visiting mouse. Look for droppings, gnaw marks, or scratches that could indicate a mouse infestation. In factory or warehouse settings, observe warm corners carefully, as mice tend to prefer warm places that are tucked away from sight.

If you do see signs of a possible mouse problem, address it immediately. There is nothing worse for business than a client seeing a mouse in your office! Investing in an extermination professional is money well spent and will be more effective than trying to take care of it yourself.

The team at Mice Mob Exterminators has been helping homeowners and business owners keep mice away for years. Give us a call to take care of your mouse problem, and prevent it from happening again.

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Mice Mob Exterminators

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